Our step-by step guide to inducting new employees into your business, providing everything they need and helping them feel settled.
- Review the new recruit's job description, CV or application form and interview notes; identify key training needs.
- Prioritise: break down the induction plan into the immediate basics, then getting the employee started on useful work, and finally further development.
- Set an induction timetable, typically spread over the first month.
- Inform team members of the new recruit's start date and role, and resolve any potential conflicts.
- Appoint a mentor or key contact for the employee to provide informal support. Consider what part other team members may play in the induction process (eg explaining particular activities).
- Prepare a workspace and organise essential equipment - for example, a desk and chair, computer, phone and stationery.
- Set up the employee's computer, passwords, phone and email; show the recruit how your communication systems work.
- Introduce the new recruit to the rest of the team.
- Show the recruit basic facilities (eg toilets, coffee machine). Provide a company handbook detailing any other information which will help the employee settle in; explain fire and health and safety procedures.
- Provide background information on the business, including products, services, key customers, business culture and strategic objectives.
- Provide basic HR information (eg pay, holiday arrangements).
- Clarify the recruit's role and key objectives, and the standards you expect.
- Communicate policies and procedures; make them all available, but focus initial training efforts on the most urgent and important (eg safety).
- Use a mix of training methods. Focus on hands-on activities, or at least observation of activities, rather than just providing instruction manuals.
- Involve the recruit in real work (with appropriate supervision) as soon as possible; identify opportunities for early successes.
- Confirm understanding at every stage, particularly of written information.
- Hold frequent informal progress reviews - perhaps on a daily basis for the first week, then weekly for a month; encourage discussion.
- Modify your plans in the light of the recruit's progress and feedback.
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