Terms and conditions of use

The Donut website ('the website') is provided by Atom Content Marketing Ltd ('Atom', 'we', 'us'). It comprises Start Up Donut, Marketing Donut, Law Donut, Money Donut, Tech Donut, Sectors Donut and Donut newsletters.

By accessing the website you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions and by our Privacy policy, in their entirety.

Your right to use the website

You may use the contents of the website for your own use, including printing and downloading extracts for your own use. You may not modify, translate, re-publish, upload, sell, or post material (including text, designs, logos, trademarks, code and software). If you wish to make a request for consent to use any content outside these terms, please contact us.

Contributions of content by third parties

Some parts of the Donut website contain content written by third parties. If you submit content, you agree to only use the website for lawful purposes and that any content or information that you provide to the website will be true and accurate and will not infringe the rights of any third party, nor be obscene, libellous or defamatory. You agree to indemnify us against all liabilities and costs, including legal costs, arising out of your breach of this term.

You continue to own the content after you have posted it on the website. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, you automatically grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual licence to modify and use the content that you have posted.

We may delete, edit or move content without notice and for any reason and may record the IP address from which any content is posted.

Data protection

If you register for one of our newsletters, it is your responsibility to give us a valid email address and let us know if it changes. We comply with all applicable data protection laws in the UK. For a description of how we use your personal data, please see our Privacy policy.

Intellectual property

We, or our third party licensors, own the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the content and no licence of any such intellectual property rights is granted to you by way of your use of the website. Donut is a registered trademark of Atom.

Our liability

The Donut website provides business information for small businesses in England and Wales, including legal and tax information. (Some regulations and legal processes may be different in Scotland and Northern Ireland.) Our website and newsletter content should not be used as a substitute for legal or professional advice.

All content is made available on this website on an 'as is' basis. We cannot take any responsibility for the consequences of errors or omissions. Any reliance you place on our content will be at your own risk. Atom is not liable for any damage caused by the use of any of the elements of the Donut website. When you access any of the Donut website you indemnify Atom against any damages or loss resulting from use of any of the elements of the website.

Neither Atom, nor its employees, experts, writers, editors, advertisers, sponsors or partners are liable for any losses or damages arising from your use of the website. These individuals and organisations exclude all warranties and representations, express or implied, in respect of your use of the website and its content.


These terms and your use of the website are governed by English law and any dispute arising from the terms or your use shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

What does the * mean?

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