Divorce and family law

Man in a blue shirt sat on a sofa using a calculator to work out the cost of a divorce


How much does a divorce cost?

Divorce costs explained: family court fees, mediation and legal costs, who pays the divorce costs and what help may be available towards your costs


An employee is feeling the stress


Workplace stress

Workplace stress - what is it and what can you do about it?


Happy elderly couple looking through documents including their will


Making a will FAQs

There are many formalities to making a will, and many aspects you need to consider. We try to answer the most common questions about making a will

Inheritance tax and family trusts

Lasting power of attorney

Wooden tabletop with glasses lying on a newspaper and pen lying on a paper with Last Will and Testament written on it


Wills and probate glossary

A useful glossary to help you understand the legal jargon used when trying to deal with creating or executing a will and other probate issues

Family bereavement

Wooden tabletop with glasses lying on a newspaper and pen lying on a paper with Last Will and Testament written on it


Wills and probate glossary

A useful glossary to help you understand the legal jargon used when trying to deal with creating or executing a will and other probate issues

Claiming an inheritance

Woman sat with her mother in a kitchen settling inheritance


Claiming an inheritance FAQs

Claiming an inheritance is not always straightforward. These frequently asked questions are designed to cover any questions you may have

Probate, executors and estate administration

Wooden tabletop with glasses lying on a newspaper and pen lying on a paper with Last Will and Testament written on it


Wills and probate glossary

A useful glossary to help you understand the legal jargon used when trying to deal with creating or executing a will and other probate issues

Personal injury

Person in high-vis lying down by the road after having an accident at work


Accidents at work

You must provide a safe workplace and manage health and safety and employees must act responsibly to minimise the risk of a workplace accident

Residential property law

Traffic offences

Bus driving along road and lane with traffic warnings


Traffic offences FAQs

Had an accident? Been stopped by the police whilst driving? If you have a question about a road traffic accident or offence, see our FAQs.