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What compensation can I expect for medical negligence?

Date: 29 May 2024


What small businesses need to know about marketing laws

Date: 22 May 2024


A silver car has crashed into the side of a blue company car

Reduce work-related road traffic accidents

If employees use business vehicles while working for your business, you could be liable for any accident they cause. Here are three tips to reduce the risk.

Date: 24 May 2023 By:

An intellectual property lawyer in her city-centre office

Seven legal issues that can harm you and your business

Running a business can be both financially and personally fulfilling. However, there are legal difficulties that could cause you significant problems. Discover seven key areas of risk.

Date: 19 April 2023 By:

A forex trader buying and selling currencies

Forex trading in the UK: regulation and legalities

Forex trading can be risky but the Financial Conduct Authority regulates trade and brokers to minimise the risks for traders. Find out more in this brief guide.

Date: 20 March 2023 By:

Hand seen building a tower out of small wooden blocks

The solicitor's role in bridging finance

Discover why you need an experienced solicitor when buying a property or arranging bridging finance and how they can smooth the process.

Date: 6 December 2022 By:

A man makes on online payment using his omile phone

Accepting online payments: rules and regulations

Accepting online payments as a business has many benefits but if you decide to start taking online payments, you will need to comply with a number of regulations. Here's what you need to know.

Date: 26 September 2022 By:

Angel investor

What happens when a small business cannot pay their investor back?

Small businesses need capital to get off the ground. What happens if the company fails, and you can't pay your investor back? We look at what could happen.

Date: 6 July 2022 By:

Buying a new car with a PCP Finance agreement

Am I eligible for a PCP finance claim?

Millions of consumers have used PCP finance to buy a car. Many of them were mis-sold the finance and are now making a claim. We look at PCP Finance, how it was mis-sold and how you can make a claim.

Date: 5 July 2022 By:

A small business realises he has been a vistim of lending fraud

Everything you need to know about lending fraud

A comprehensive guide to lending fraud for small businesses and the measures they can take to minimise or eliminate the risks.

Date: 18 May 2022 By:

Little house with stacked-up coins next to a calculator

How changes to ground rent will affect leaseholders

There's no doubt that buying a property is one of the most crucial life decisions that a person can make. Buying a house or renting it out, there are many complex legal matters and financial arrangements to consider.

Date: 16 May 2022 By:

Legal advice is sought on suing a business

How much does it cost to sue a business in the UK?

You might want or need to sue a business. Discover why you might need to take such action and how much it could cost.

Date: 11 May 2022 By:

Exhaust fumes from a car

Am I eligible to make a diesel emissions claim?

Approximately 11 million cars worldwide contained devices to 'cheat' emissions tests. If you owned one of these cars, you may be eligible to make a claim.

Date: 3 November 2021 By:

Man walks past the Newcastle Crown Court

What you need to know about the UK criminal justice system

Introduction to the UK justice system, the role of the Crown Prosecution Service, jurors and HM Court and Tribunal's Service and an overview of possible sentences.

Date: 26 August 2021 By:

Staff receive safety training on the use of a forklift truck

Legal obligations for staff training and information

Failure to provide staff with certain training and information can have expensive consequences. Here's what you need to know.

Date: 24 May 2021 By:

Picture of a truck and lorry crash on the motorway

Involved in an accident with an HGV or lorry

Thousands of road traffic accidents happen every day. If your accident involves an HGV or lorry, you need to understand your rights.

Date: 15 July 2020 By:

Overdue invoice

The best ways to recover debt from a limited company

Overview of the debt recovery options and processes when you are owed money by a limited company.

Date: 29 June 2020 By:

Two business owners meet with their lawyer to sign important contracts

The ethical responsibilities in lawyer/client relationships

When you appoint a lawyer, both parties have ethical responsibilities to ensure a strong lawyer-client relationship

Date: 18 March 2020 By:

A smiling man files paperwork to reflect his recent name change.

Is changing your name a complicated process?

In the UK, changing your name is pretty straightforward, and inexpensive too. Here are all the things to consider when filing to change your name.

Date: 2 March 2020 By:

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