Starting up

A trendy looking man works on his start up business plan


Starting a business FAQs

Frequently asked questions on starting a business for sole traders, limited companies and partnerships.

Sector specific law

Female bookkeeper giving a man a blue folder with other folders already on the table


Bookkeeper legal issues

The following is an outline of some of the legislation which may be relevant for a bookkeeper.

Business ownership and management

Finance and business strategy

Two business people looking at information and performing calculations


Essential guide to valuing a business

The worth of a business is based on how much profit a buyer can make from it, and the potential risks. Read our guide to valuing your business.

Employment law

A telecoms engineer climbs a mast


Lone working - manage the risks

If you have employees that regularly work alone, or outside of normal working hours, you have responsibility for their health, safety and welfare. 

Marketing and selling

Entrepreneur checks and dispatches the orders he received via his ecommerce site


Trading online FAQs

When selling online to individuals you must provide certain information to them and ensure they agree to your terms and conditions.

Contracts, disputes

Men looking serious, pointing at figures on computer screen


Essential guide to collecting debts

Most businesses experience problems getting paid on time - but unpaid debts can cause serious cash flow issues. We explain your options.

Commercial premises law

Health and safety

Data protection and IT

A shop displaying rows of laptops and computer monitors


Purchasing IT FAQs

How to go about purchasing hardware, software and IT systems for your business, licensing and what to do if your IT solution fails to work properly.

Intellectual property

Exit strategies